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在快速发展的高等教育竞争格局中, both universities and colleges are increasingly adopting sophisticated marketing strategies, 瑞恩·邓洛普写道, JACK RYAN的战略合伙人

在这些策略中, behavioural advertising stands out for its ability to tailor messages to individual interests and habits, proving that understanding students as people - each with unique behaviours and preferences - is key to effective recruitment. 这种方法, 尤其是在高频工作的时候, multi-channel strategy that goes beyond paid social to in-game environments and integrates into the everyday lives of students, 能显著提高招生活动的成效.


行为的广告, with its roots deeply embedded in understanding and influencing consumer behaviour online, 不仅利用了技术,还利用了神经科学提供的见解. 这种方法 goes beyond merely tracking online activities; it taps into the fundamental ways our brains process information, 做决定, 形成联系. 教育机构, applying these insights means crafting recruitment strategies that are not just seen but deeply felt by prospective students.


Neuroscience tells us that the human brain is wired to pay attention to information that it deems relevant and valuable. When prospective students encounter advertisements that directly align with their interests, needs, 和愿望, 大脑的注意力机制被激活. This selective attention is critical in the crowded digital space where countless pieces of information vie for our attention. 通过确保内容高度相关, behavioural advertising significantly increases the chances that the message not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression.

情感投入 & 记忆的形成

情绪在决策和记忆形成中起着关键作用. Neuroscience research has shown that emotionally charged events are better remembered than neutral events. 行为的广告, 通过迎合未来学生的个人兴趣和愿望, has the potential to evoke emotions - whether it's excitement about a unique course offering, 一种来自彩乐园dsn的归属感, 或者从了解奖学金机会中解脱出来. This emotional engagement is key to creating memorable experiences that can influence a student's decision-making process when choosing an educational institution.


神经递质多巴胺通常与大脑的奖励系统有关, 在我们如何感知快乐和动机方面扮演着重要的角色. When students encounter personalised advertisements that resonate with their personal goals and interests, 它可以触发多巴胺的释放, 让广告更具吸引力. This positive reinforcement encourages continued interaction with the institution's content, 提高招聘活动的成效.


信任是决策过程中的一个关键因素, 尤其是在选择教育机构的时候. Neuroscience has shown that personalised experiences can increase the perception of trustworthiness and reliability. 行为的广告 allows schools to demonstrate their understanding and commitment to meeting the individual needs of prospective students. By presenting tailored information that reflects the students' specific interests 和愿望, institutions can build a foundation of trust that is essential for any successful recruitment strategy.


While paid social media campaigns are a crucial component of any digital marketing strategy, limiting efforts to these platforms alone means missing out on numerous opportunities to engage potential students. 如今的学生是数字原住民, navigating a vast online ecosystem that extends far beyond traditional social media platforms.


One innovative channel that has shown promise in reaching younger audiences is in-game advertising. 电子游戏是全球数百万学生的主要娱乐方式, presenting a unique opportunity for educational institutions to introduce their offerings in an environment where students are already engaged and attentive. 无论是通过手机游戏中的横幅广告还是赞助游戏内活动, the immersive nature of gaming allows for creative and subtle advertising that feels less intrusive and more like a natural part of the gaming experience.


一个高频的目标, multi-channel approach is to become a seamless part of potential students' everyday lives. This can be achieved through a combination of online and offline channels - ranging from digital ads in mobile apps and websites they frequently visit, 转向更传统的方式,比如根据在线行为定制的直接邮寄. The idea is to create multiple touch points that reinforce the institution's message, 让它成为未来学生熟悉的首选.


行为广告在招生中的有效性 lies in its ability to deliver the right message, 给对的人, 在适当的时候. 通过分析行为数据, educational institutions can identify patterns and preferences among their target demographic, 让他们能够在个人层面上产生共鸣. This not only increases the chances of engagement but also builds a sense of connection and relevance between the student and the institution.

Moreover, a multi-channel approach ensures that these personalised messages reach potential students across the diverse range of media they consume daily. 通过了解学生的情况——无论是浏览社交媒体, 玩电子游戏, or navigating the web - educational institutions can effectively insert themselves into the lives of their target audience in a way that feels natural and unobtrusive.



想象一下这样一个世界:你的品牌不仅被看到,而且被感受到, 在那里,竞选活动不只是空谈,而是跳舞, 吸引观众的, 火花作用. 这就是英国发展最快的媒体机构JACK RYAN的精髓所在.

根植于科学和创新的一系列部门, 杰克·瑞安正在革新广告公司的模式, embarking on a mission to elevate brands in a data-focussed approach with humanity. 科学与创新的标志性电动粉色混合是最前沿的, 赋予一些最知名的名字独特的, compelling, 以及行为改变运动. These not only resonate with audiences but also drive performance and establish new benchmarks.

Posted on: 2024年3月19日星期二